What if your thoughts
chase you
into the woods,
with no guidance,
no marked routes?

Would you see
the wonder
of each stem
standing firm,
of each branch
reaching out,
of each root
holding its ground,
of each leaf
caressing another?

Would you notice
the signs of life
inhabiting these trees?
Or would you be lost
in stumbling around,
desperately searching
for your way out?
Because every tree
appears to be
the same.

What if you give
yourself permission
to just wander?
Take in the details,
the smallest forms of life
that helped in shaping
this bond of trees.
That created these woods,
this forest,
into a community
that nourishes and feeds.
Simply by just being,
a gathering
of innate selves.

And while you’re
wondering about all
that’s revealing itself,
you might by chance
find your way out.
Being guided
by this forest,
a feeling journey
from the inside out.
Its miracles
showing you
the ropes of life.

For its in the wondering
and subtle details
you find
the treasures
of your life.
So please dear
find the woods,
any forest,
and start wondering!